Features of RAKUVISA
Features of RAKUVISA
- You can apply without going to the immigration office
- You can apply without using a My Number card
- You input the information yourself, but a certified administrative scrivener will check it
- The administrative scrivener will apply on your behalf
- The cost is about one-tenth of what you would pay a administrative scrivener
Issues faced by foreigners living in Japan
- They know online applications are possible, but find it troublesome to use a My Number card
- They have to input the application form in Excel and print it at a convenience store
- They have to travel by train or bus to the immigration office and wait in line for hours to submit the application
- If the documents are incorrect, they have to redo the process multiple times
- They have had unpleasant experiences with Japanese language support at the immigration counter
RAKUVISA solves all these problems